
Nazhika and Vinazhika are traditional units of time used in some parts of India.A Nazhika is a unit of time equivalent to 24 minutes, while a Vinazhika is a unit of time equivalent to 48 seconds. These units of time are primarily used in Indian classical music, dance, and... astrology.In...... classical music and dance, these units are used to measure the duration of a musical composition or dance performance. For example, a musical composition or dance piece may be designed to be performed for a specific number of Naazhikas or Vinazhikas, depending on the style and structure of the performance.In astrology, Nazhika and Vinazhika are used to determine the auspicious time for performing certain rituals or ceremonies. Astrologers may use these units of time to determine the most favorable time for events like weddings, housewarming ceremonies, or other important occasions.Overall, Nazhika and Vinazhika are important units of time in traditional Indian culture and are still used in some contexts today.

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